Sohan The Book King [Part 1]

Once there lived a boy called Sohan. He was studying  7th Grade in a local School.  Sohan always love reading books.  He would also dream about books.

Unfortunately, he was very poor  and could not afford to buy  books, but Sohan did not Cowed down. He borrowed books from his friends and school library and was reading.  Due to his reading habits he always got good grades in school.

One day Sohan visited an ancient monument, there the guide explained about the monument’s history.  The Monument was palace of the King named “Pariskshith”,  who loved to read books. Legends Say that He had a secret library and only a person with a devoted mind to books  could get the access to the Library.

After going inside the monument Sohan lost his way.  He tried to get out of the place,  but couldn’t find his way to come out of the Monument.……

What will happen to Sohan??????
Will he ever get out of the monument?????

Keep Reading to Find Out!!!!!

Just Writing

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